The first Dungeons & Dragons book that I ever looked at. |
The second Dungeons & Dragons book that I ever read. I blame this image of the two thieves stealing the jeweled eye for my penchant for playing thieves and rogues |
The game they were playing was something called
I was fascinated, but not allowed to play. The parents that shuttled us around thought I was too young. However, they didn't see the harm in letting me listen in on the boys' adventures and look through the books when they didn't need to look something up.
I was hooked.
A couple of years later, my family moved to another state. My dad was in the military and we didn't stay in one place for very long. We moved into on base housing and two boys happened to live in the town house next door. As a way of welcoming us, the parents suggested that the boys show us around and we became fast friends. A couple of days later, their dad brought home a pop up camper that needed to be aired out before being used for the summer and set it up in the parking spaces out front and I was invited to "camp" out there for the night.
With no TV and a hot Southern night in the mix, we all started to wonder if this camp out was such a good idea after all. Inevitably we started complaining about being bored. While searching through the drawers for something to do, we ran across some graph paper and I remembered the games that were played in my carpool. So I described the game as best as I could remember it to my new friends and they wanted to play that game. When I explained that I didn't have the books, they encouraged me to just make it up from what I could remember.
So, we played the game. Well, maybe not the game, but a game. They created characters by asking me various questions about what they needed. I spent a few minutes creating a dungeon on the graph paper and we found some six sided dice in another drawer that we used to roll for hits and other stuff.
They loved it.
We played that game for the next year. When we reached the maximum character levels, we'd retire the them and start from scratch.
A couple of years later, I moved somewhere else in town and found another group of kids my age that were already playing D&D. They were using the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rules and weren't interested in playing my well worn vanilla edition. I didn't mind, I was happy to be a player instead of the only Dungeon Master. When my new DM was looking to play, our group started branching out into other role playing games that started springing up around that time.
My friends and I were some of the most voracious readers that I knew. Sometimes it would get us into trouble. The parochial school that we attended didn't look too kindly on the monsters and demons that graced the covers of our books and the school finally gave up calling to inform our parents of what we were reading after consistently being told that "yes, they were aware of what we were reading" and "no, it didn't bother them."
Within the last two years, I've started to come back to gaming. I've been playing hobby boardgames since just after college and some of the bleed over between that and role playing games started to pique my interest. I remembered how much I loved playing, and really missed it.
All this is to say. I'm back. I've missed this stuff and I'd like to give a little something back to the community that I've enjoyed so much in the past and that's welcomed this wayward player back into the fold.
** Storied Adventures is written by a lapsed role playing geek. It is one man's chronicle of embracing one more of his many geeky facets. I have no ongoing financial relationship with any of the games listed, though I was lucky enough to win a copy of the the Pathfinder Role Playing Game and Shadow, Sword & Spell (thanks, Ed & Rone) and Richard Iorio of Rogue Games also sent me a copy of a Shadow, Sword & Spell adventure (thanks, Richard). I am, however, attached to my wife's Amazon affiliate account, so purchases made through any Amazon links support the ongoing blogging efforts of Storied Adventures (many thanks!)
Congratulations for comming back to the fold, and its good to see more people getting interested in Fate, my group and I also recently switched from Pathfinder to Fate, we just love the freedom of creating it gives us.
ReplyDeleteAnd its cool your parents supported your erading in those times where people and schools messed with ones reading. again cheers!